Is Your Mobile Marketing Program Ready to Generate Results?

by Chris Brown on Thursday, July 12, 2012

Everything I read lately reminds me that mobile marketing is going to be big, BIG, REALLY BIG.

From advertising, to websites, and of course, all the apps — having your brand accessible and in the public’s eye from a mobile device will be crucial.

Mobile text, ads on apps, mobile only sites… each mobile marketing tactic needs to further the marketing goals and objectives of building awareness, encouraging trial, generating leads, and otherwise improving sales.

The challenge is that mobile is not just another tactic like a billboard or a newsletter or a trifold brochure.

It needs more specialized IT resources than a blog or a customer database.  Could require almost as much interaction as a consumer call center.  But has more potential than almost any other medium in the next few years.

What are you doing to further your brands’ mobile marketing program? Are you going to build a mobile component into your 2013 marketing program?

Leave a comment below describing how you’re planning to take advantage of the growth in mobile with your brand.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Addy Johnson July 22, 2012 at 1:21 am

As marketing consulting firm never use mobile marketing but after reading your article i want to spent some time promoting mobile marketing. You are very right next generation marketing is about ipad, iphones, smart phones. mobile and this type of stuff so for this marketing strategy should be arranged. Like ur good company which is providing this services.

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